Monday 26 March 2012

Best of British Contemporary Jewellery Interview Tara Kirkpatrick

Tara Kirkpatrick's latest collection is her Droplets Twist Collection. You can see her amazing collection at The Best of British Jewellery Exhibition which is being held at Equinox Jewellery in Fleet Hampshire.

1. How did you become involved in jewellery design?
Wasn’t sure what I wanted to do with my life and was doing A-levels and then passing a jewellers one day I thought, it would be nice to make jewellery.  Gave up A-levels and enrolled on a jewellery course, the rest is history!
2. How would you describe your jewellery?
Anytime jewellery that be be worn on special occasions and everyday.
3. Whose jewellery do you admire?
Gerda Flockinger is the first designer jewellery I saw that I thought was marvellous.  She has been making jewellery since the 1940’s and still makes.  I do prefer wearable jewellery but I admire all sorts even if I wouldn’t wear it myself.
4. Which of your designs/collections are you most proud?
I like a bangle I made for someone’s wedding as it was a collaboration between me and the customer and it resulted in something very much in my style and matched her brief and wedding ring, which I’d also made.  As she was very pleased it was an added bonus.

5. What advice would you give to aspiring jewellery designers?
The more you make the more skilled you’ll become, so keep on going, who needs sleep!
6. What does the future hold for your company?
I am happy where it is at, keep making a variety of things and when time allows develop new designs.  I’ve just ordered a new magnetic polisher so more new machines are very exciting, more machines the better!!  So if anyone has some unused ones I’ll happily give them a new home!

7. Do you undertake commission's, what sort of thing have you been commissioned to make?
I do a lot of commissions, especially melting down peoples old gold and re-modelling it into something more contemporary.

8. Has your jewellery won any awards?
Sadly it hasn’t.  Equally I’ve never entered any awards!

Tara's collection can be seen at Equinox Until mid April 2012.

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