Thursday, 25 August 2011

Care of silver jewellery

One of the questions we get asked most frequently in the shop is "How do I clean my silver jewellery?".

Quite often the item of jewellery in question has been tucked away somewhere safe and has been re-discovered by its owner, the jewellery normally needs a little bit of TLC to make it wearable again.

Sterling silver jewellery will tarnish over time if not cared for but if you follow a few easy tips your jewellery should keep its lustre.

  • Always keep silver jewellery in a jewellery box or the gift box it came in, sunlight can speed up tarnishing.
  • Keep a silica gel sachet (You normally find these in a new purse or handbag.) in the box next to your jewellery, moisture can cause tarnishing.
  • Never keep silver jewellery on a jewellery stand, as this exposes the jewellery to sunlight and moisture in the air.
  • Don't wear your silver jewellery in a swimming pool, the chemicals in pools can cause terrible tarnishing.
  • Remove any dirt or make up from jewellery using an old toothbrush
  • If the dirt is really stubborn soak the jewellery in a mild mixture of washing up liquid and warm water, then clean out the jewellery using your old toothbrush.
  • Never use a jewellery cleaning liquid on hollow jewellery, or jewellery set with pearls, turquoise, coral, lapis lazuli or any other porous stone. Always follow the manufacturers instructions carefully!
  • Make sure you rinse out the jewellery really well with cold water after using a jewellery cleaner.
  • With really heavily tarnished silver you may need to dip the jewellery a couple of times, if the jewellery is cleaner but still has a 'yellowy' look to it you will need to polish it up with a silver cloth.
  • You can also use a mild bicarbonate of soda and water solution to clean silver jewellery.
  • The best way to bring back the shine to your jewellery is to use a silver cloth which will remove most tarnishing.
  • A silver cloth is also the best way to clean chains, pull the chain gently through a fold in the cloth and repeat until the chain is bright and clean.
Wearing your silver jewellery is the best way to keep it looking bright and shiny as the constant movement of the jewellery stops any tarnishing building up (With an occasional wipe over with a silver cloth.).

Tuesday, 23 August 2011

Charms and their inspirational meanings

Many modern charms each have an inspirational meaning, so make a lovely gift to mark a special moment in life. The following list explains the symbolism behind some of the most popular charms. A wide range of silver charms can been seen here.
  • Acorn: This charm symbolises 'Strength from Tiny Beginnings'.
  • Ammonite Fossil: The symbolic meaning of the Ammonite charm is 'Long Life'.
  • Amethyst: The meaning of 'Spirituality & Sobriety' comes from the ancient Greeks.
  • Angel: A charm for 'Protection'.
  • Apple: The Apple charm means 'Knowledge & Health'.
  • Artist: This charm symoblizes 'Creativity'.
  • Ballet shoes: Ballet Shoe charms symbolize 'Grace'.
  • Bee Hive: Beehive charm symbolizes 'Co-operation'.
  • Best friends: This unique charm symbolizes 'Together Forever'.
  • Bumble Bee: This charm symbolizes 'a busy bee'.
  • Bunny: This charm has the meaning of 'Playful'
  • Buttercup: Buttercup means 'Cheerfulness & Radiance.
  • Butterfly: This charm symbolizes 'Renewal'.
  • Catterpillar: Meaning Transformation.
  • Cinderella Shoe: Representing 'Rags To Riches'.
  • Cross: Meaning 'Faith'
  • Champagne Bottle: A classic charm symbolising 'Celebration'
  • Chocolate Charm: Created for anyone with a 'sweet tooth'.
  • Clam Shell: Represents 'Fertility'.
  • Cupcake: A gorgeous Cupcake Charm means 'sweet nothings'
  • Daisy: In the Victorian era, each flower had a meaning and Daisies means 'Childish Innocence'.
  • Devil Tail: Perfect for the 'Mischievous' among us!
  • Dice: Lucky 'Dice' charm
  • Dragonfly: A symbol of 'Rebirth'.
  • Dog: This charm means 'Loyalty'.
  • Dove: A classic charm to spread the message of 'Hope & Peace'
  • Egg: The Egg charm symbolises the 'Birth of Life'.
  • Elephant: Meaning 'Never Forget'.
  • Fairies: Meaning 'Forever Young'.
  • Feather: Represents 'Freedom'.
  • Frog Prince: Every girl looks for their 'Prince Charming'.
  • Flip Flop: a reminder of our summer holidays 'Travel & Carefree Days'.
  • Forget Me Not: Forget-Me-Not charm means 'Everlasting Memory'.
  • Four Leaf Clover: A wonderful 'Luck' talisman!
  • Genie Lamp: 'Rub to Make Three Wishes'
  • Gardening: Meaning 'Green Fingers'.
  • Heart: A perfect charm to start any collection - meaning 'Love'.
  • Horse Shoe: Symbolizes 'Catch Good Luck' and 7 holes are essential for luck.
  • Hummingbird Charm: A hummingbird charm symbolizes 'Flirtatious'.
  • Ivy Leaf: Means 'Fidelity & Optimism'.
  • Key: Key charm, meaning 'Awakening'.
  • Lily of the Valley: The elegant Lily of the Valley means 'Return of Happiness'.
  • Ladybird: Another whimsical charm, this little Ladybird means 'Luck is on it's Way'.
  • Mortar Board: Mortar Board charm marks the 'Achievement' of graduation.
  • Monkey Nut: Monkey Nut charm to symbolise 'Good times'.
  • Oak Leaf: Oak Leaf charm represents 'Wisdom and Longevity'.
  • Palm Tree: Palm Tree charm meaning 'Sunshine & Holidays'
  • Peas in a Pod: Means 'Unity'. A quirky collectable perfect for twins, sisters or inseparable friends!
  • Pet: This charm represents 'Companionship'.
  • Pigs Might Fly: Realise the Impossible' and is enough to make anyone believe in miracles!
  • Pixie Shoe: The enchanting Pixie Shoe charm means 'Believe in Magic'.
  • Poppy: this Poppy charm means 'Remembrance'.
  • Princess Crown: Everyone knows a 'Modern Day Princess'.
  • Raspberry: Raspberry charm means 'Precious Times'
  • Rosette: Rosette charm symbolises 'Success'.
  • Sixpence: An enduring keepsafe from your 'Christmas Pudding'.
  • Snowdrop: Represents 'Hope & Purity'.
  • Star: This Star represents 'Fame' and is perfect for any stars in the making!'.
  • Starfish: Symbolism of 'Calm Resilience'.
  • Stirrup: Stirrup charms represent 'Taming the Wild'! Perfect for an adventurous horse rider!
  • Strawberry: Strawberry charm means 'Life's Sweet Pleasures'.
  • Sweet 16: To celebrate a 16th birthday!
  • Treble Clef: Treble Clef charm symbolizes 'harmony'.
  • Vintage Handbags: 'Retro Chic'.
  • Unicorn: Unicorn Horn charm provides 'Protection from Bad Luck' with a touch of magic!
  • Wedding Bell: An adorable commemorative gift for 'Matrimony'.
  • Welly: The humble Welly Boot has been a symbol of life in England for generations! 'Splashing in Puddles'.
  • Wishbone Charm: Meaning 'Make a Wish for Love'.
  • Wishing wand: To help you 'Make a Wish Come True'.